Substance Use Disorders

Understanding Substance Abuse Disorders and the Role of Dr. Shah at Integrity Behavioral Health in Tega Cay

Substance abuse disorders are complex conditions where individuals engage in the use of substances, such as drugs or alcohol, in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. These disorders can profoundly affect an individual’s brain and behavior, leading to an inability to control use despite the negative consequences. Effective treatment is crucial and can vary widely depending on the specific disorder and the individual’s needs. Dr. Shah at Integrity Behavioral Health in Tega Cay is a specialist who provides comprehensive care tailored to help patients struggling with various substance abuse disorders. Below, we explore the common types of substance abuse disorders and how Dr. Shah can assist in managing and overcoming these challenges.










“Comprehensive Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Collaborative Care: A Holistic Approach to Mental Health”

1. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

Alcohol Use Disorder is characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. It ranges from mild to severe and can cause significant health issues, including liver disease, cardiovascular problems, and psychiatric disorders. Dr. Shah uses a combination of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, and support groups to help individuals reduce or stop alcohol consumption and improve their quality of life.

2. Cannabis Use Disorder

Despite being legal for either recreational or medicinal use in many areas, cannabis can lead to disorders characterized by dependency and withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, and difficulties sleeping. Treatment typically involves behavioral therapies, and Dr. Shah may use motivational enhancement and cognitive-behavioral strategies to help patients develop coping strategies and change their cannabis use patterns.

3. Stimulant Use Disorder

This disorder involves the use of stimulants like amphetamine or cocaine. Symptoms of overuse include high blood pressure, heart rate abnormalities, and severe dental problems. Dr. Shah’s approach to treating stimulant use disorder includes a mix of behavioral therapies, contingency management, and sometimes pharmacological support to manage withdrawal symptoms and promote recovery.

4. Opioid Use Disorder

Opioids, including prescription pain relievers and heroin, are particularly addictive. Dr. Shah treats opioid use disorder with a comprehensive approach that may include MAT using medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone to help control cravings and withdrawal symptoms, combined with intensive counseling and therapy.

5. Tobacco Use Disorder

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable diseases and deaths worldwide. Treatment for tobacco use disorder generally involves nicotine replacement therapies, prescription medications to reduce cravings, and behavioral therapies. Dr. Shah supports patients through these treatments, often helping them with strategies to prevent relapse.

6. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder

This category includes medications commonly prescribed for anxiety and sleep disorders, such as benzodiazepines. Misuse can lead to severe complications, including overdose. Dr. Shah offers a carefully monitored tapering program to safely decrease the drug’s dosage, coupled with psychological support to address the underlying causes of abuse.

7. Hallucinogen Use Disorder

While less addictive, hallucinogens like LSD and psilocybin can lead to psychological dependence. Treatments focus on psychotherapy to help individuals understand and change their behaviors related to hallucinogen use. Dr. Shah employs therapies that encourage self-exploration and resolution of the psychological effects of hallucinogen use.

8. Inhalant Use Disorder

Inhalants can be particularly harmful with acute effects that include sudden heart failure or prolonged neurological damage. Dr. Shah’s treatment involves behavioral interventions and education to prevent further abuse, and addressing any neurological issues.

9. Polysubstance Use Disorder

This disorder involves the concurrent abuse of several substances, which complicates treatment due to the complex interactions between different drugs. Dr. Shah’s treatment strategy involves an integrated approach to address all substances being abused, supporting the patient through detoxification, and tailored therapy sessions that target multiple addictive behaviors.

Dr. Shah at Integrity Behavioral Health in Tega Cay is dedicated to providing evidence-based treatments and comprehensive support tailored to each patient’s unique challenges associated with substance abuse disorders. His multidisciplinary approach not only addresses the medical aspects of these disorders but also integrates psycho-social support essential for long-term recovery. By focusing on holistic recovery and relapse prevention strategies, Dr. Shah helps patients regain control over their lives and move towards a healthier future.

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